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How to confirm if a Projection is used by the query?

· 2 min read


How can I tell if a projection is used?


  1. Create a sample database
CREATE database db1;
  1. Create a sample table that will use column1 as the primary key
CREATE table db1.table1_projections
column1 Int32,
column2 Int32
engine = MergeTree()
order by column1;
  1. Add a projection for_column2 to use column2 as the primary key
ALTER table db1.table1_projections add projection for_column2
select *
order by column2
  1. Insert test data

*this inserts 100000 rows with random numbers in column1 and column2

INSERT INTO db1.table1_projections
floor(randNormal(50, 5)) as column1,
floor(randUniform(1, 100)) as column2
from numbers(100000);
  1. Check sample set of data
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT * from db1.table1_projections limit 5;

FROM db1.table1_projections

Query id: d6940799-b507-4a5e-9843-df55ebe818ab

│ 28 │ 41 │
│ 29 │ 12 │
│ 30 │ 73 │
│ 30 │ 75 │
│ 30 │ 70 │
  1. Test that it is using the original table with column1:
clickhouse-cloud :) explain indexes = 1 
SELECT count() from db1.table1_projections where column1 > 50;

EXPLAIN indexes = 1
SELECT count()
FROM db1.table1_projections
WHERE column1 > 50

Query id: e04d5236-1a05-4f1f-9502-7e41986beb44

│ Expression ((Projection + Before ORDER BY)) │
│ Aggregating │
│ Expression (Before GROUP BY) │
│ Filter (WHERE) │
│ ReadFromMergeTree (db1.table1_projections) │
│ Indexes: │
│ PrimaryKey │
│ Condition: true │
│ Parts: 1/1 │
│ Granules: 12/12 │

*notice that it is reading from db1.table1_projections

  1. Test reading from the projection by using column2 in the where clause
clickhouse-cloud :) explain indexes = 1 
SELECT * from db1.table1_projections where column2 > 50;

EXPLAIN indexes = 1
FROM db1.table1_projections
WHERE column2 > 50

Query id: d2b20e01-93bf-4b60-a370-4aac7b454267

│ Expression ((Projection + Before ORDER BY)) │
│ Filter │
│ ReadFromMergeTree (for_column2) │
│ Indexes: │
│ PrimaryKey │
│ Keys: │
│ column2 │
│ Condition: (column2 in [51, +Inf)) │
│ Parts: 1/1 │
│ Granules: 6/12 │

*notice that now the for_column2 projection is used.

For more info


numbers table function:

Blog for generating random data: