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Export MySQL data to Parquet, CSV or JSON

· 2 min read

The clickhouse-local tool makes it quick and easy to read data from MySQL and output the data into lots of different formats, including Parquet, CSV, and JSON. We are going to:

  • Use the mysql table function to read the data
  • Use the INTO OUTFILE _filename_ FORMAT clause and specify the desired output format

The clickhouse-local tool is a part of the ClickHouse binary. Download it using the following:

curl | sh

Export MySQL to Parquet

The mysql table function creates a table based on the results of a query sent to a MySQL instance. For example:


We can pipe the output of this query to a file using INTO OUTFILE. Use FORMAT to specify the format of the file to be created. Let's grab the entire contents of a MySQL table, and send its contents to a Parquet file:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT * FROM
INTO OUTFILE 'my_output_file.parquet'"

Because the name of the output file has a .parquet extension, ClickHouse assumes we want the Parquet format, so notice we omitted the FORMAT Parquet clause.

Export MySQL to CSV

It's the same as for Parquet, except this time we use a .csv extension on the filename. ClickHouse will realize we want a comma-separated output and that's how the data will be written to the file:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT * FROM
INTO OUTFILE 'my_output_file.csv'"

Export MySQL to JSON

To go from MySQL to JSON, just change the extension on the filename to jsonl or ndjson:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT * FROM
INTO OUTFILE 'my_output_file.ndjson'"

It's impressive how simple yet powerful the clickhouse-local tool really is. You can easily read data from a database like MySQL and output it into all types of different output formats.